Vocabulary makes easy- Alphabet A: Part 2

Vocabulary makes easy .In this lesson, we learn some more words meaning starts with Alphabet ‘A’.

Since you are a business man or a Politician so you have a lot of work to do and little time to read. Then how do you read a novel? 2500-odd pages and that too in fine print! You go for the abridge version. [When you abridge something, you make it shorter i.e. to shorten a book, a play etc. by leaving out some parts.]
A good book receives acclaim [When you receive acclaim i.e. you receive public praise] both for its original version as well as its abridgement. If you receive an acclaim, you are given an accolade.
When you were very young, you dared not steal. But your brother was a few years older than you and would steal money from mummy`s purse. You were only asked to keep an eye on the door and warm him if mummy came. Who was the thief? , Your brother. And what was your role? You were an accomplice in the theft because you helped another person do wrong. Your brother was a regular thief. He stole five to ten rupees almost every day. Instead of spending it, however, he deposited it in his own purse. By the end of the year, he had accumulated thousands of rupees. That is, he collected a large amount over a long period.
Poor fielding has often proved to be India`s Achilles’ heel in cricket. Achilles` heel is the weakest point in one`s character where it is easiest for others to attack. Achilles was an almost invincible Greek hero. But all his power was lost if he was attacked in his heel. In Hindu mythology, the parallel lies in Ravana`s navel. Remember how Vibhishana asked Rama to shoot him in the navel?

Acoustic means relating to sound or hearing. An acoustic instrument is one whose sound is natural and not made louder by electrical apparatus. Acoustic is the scientific study of sound. The acoustic of a space are its structural features which determine how well you can hear speech or music in it. The acoustic of Priya theatre in New Delhi pull cine-goers there.

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