Note on Essays & Paragraphs: How to Write, SSC CGL and SBI PO English Descriptive Preparation,

                             Note on Essays & Paragraphs

The Descriptive Writing Test is a vital part of the Bank PO and Clerical exams. It is a qualifying test and is very important, especially in the Bank PO exam.
Through the descriptive writing test, banks can assess a candidate’s awareness of his surroundings (general knowledge and general awareness of current affairs/issues etc.), reasoning and analytical skills, ability to organize ideas in a coherent manner and of course, English language skills.
The test helps the examiners decide the candidate’s potential to be a probationary officer or clerk.

Now, writing skills require a great deal of practice and a good amount of knowledge. If these are not taken seriously, it may result in a poorly written essay and, consequently, disqualification.

(A) Types of questions

Most commonly, there are four types of questions asked.
        i.            Essay Writing : A topic is given and one has to write an essay in the space provided within the limited time available.
      ii.            Paragraph Writing : A topic is given and one has to write a paragraph of about 100 words. Generally, proverbs, common sayings or simple questions are given as topics.
    iii.            Summary Writing : A passage is given and the candidates are asked to write the prĂ©cis/summary of the passage.
   iv.            Point of view writing : The candidates are asked to write the points of view of two or three different persons about an issue, topic, problem etc..
     v.            Letter Writing : One needs to write a formal or informal letter, on given situations or aspects, in the space provided.
(B) Important points to be kept in mind 

(1)Time Limit :
The overall time limit is given and depends on the number of writing tasks to be carried out. Generally, 15 minutes per task can be expected. In most cases, an overall time limit of 60 minutes is given, to complete 3 or 4 tasks. In some bank exams, a time limit of 45 minutes is given and we need to write 3 tasks. In rare cases,in 60 minutes we need to complete 5 tasks.A candidate has to allocate the time available according to the tasks on hand.

(2)Word Limit :
In most cases word limits may not be stipulated. The banks provide space after the topic depending on what type of topic it is. One can write, for instance, an essay of about 150 to 200 words (in normal handwriting) in the space provided for the essay. For, paragraph writing, the length is 100 words; for others, the number of words should be planned according to the task or the space given.

(3)Layout and Appearance :
Every piece of writing should follow the normal standards of style, format etc. Margins, para margins, para divisions, punctuation, spacing, and above all, clear and legible handwriting are paramount.

(4)Things to be strictly avoided :

(5)Marks :
Generally, 15 to 20 marks are awarded per writing task.

(6)Qualifying Marks :
The qualifying mark may vary from bank to bank. It is generally 40% of the total marks. However, students should aim for 50% of the total marks to be on the safe side.

(7)Attempts :
It is advisable that students attempt all the questions as this would ensure that they place themselves in contention for qualification.

(C) Details of Essay Writing

The topic of the essay can be any one of the following types.(Sometimes all or two of the types may be given in the same exam.)

(i)Imaginative Type :
The topic is given to test the candidate’s imagination, creativity, ability to visualize an strange, sometimes impossible situation. The prompt gives the candidate a hypothetical situation and asks for an essay on it. The more creative and imaginative the essay, the greater the marks.
Examples: 1. "Imagine the earth stops rotating. What would happen?" Give some important consequences if such a situation arises. 2. "What if a human being becomes the God?" Please state the most important consequences.

(ii)Argumentative Type :
This essay is the 'for-and-against / yes-and-no / to-do-or-not-to-do' type. An issue (especially, a current one) is given and the candidate is asked to make arguments for both the sides(for and against).
Examples: 1. Should cell phones be banned in college campuses? 2. Women are better managers than men. 3.English should be made the national language.

(iii)Opinion Type :
This type asks the candidate for his opinions / reasons etc., in relation to the topic. This task requires general awareness and analytical skills.
Examples: 1. "Reservations should be extended to the private sector." What is your opinion on this subject? Give reasons in support of your opinion. 2. Suggest effective methods for removing child labor from India

(D) Details of Paragraph Writing

Paragraphs of about 100 words are to be written, mostly on proverbs, common sayings or simple issues.

A paragraph usually has the Main Idea in one or two statements at the beginning.Four to seven supporting statements follow the main statement. These expand and explain the main idea. Details, examples etc., are also given if necessary.
Then, finally, in one or two sentences the main idea is concluded.

List of common proverbs :

A man is known by the company he keeps.
All cats are gray in the dark.
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Curiosity killed the cat.
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A man can't be hanged for his thoughts.
Fine feathers make fine birds.
It's the little things in life that count.
Money is a good servant, but a bad master.

(E) Details of point of view writing

This question asks candidates to present the possible views of different people about the given topic/issue/problem etc. The candidate should get into the shoes of the people mentioned and present their points of view.
1. Is TV watching good or bad for children? Present the viewpoints of a teacher and a parent. 
2. Education and today's youth. Present the points of view of a teacher, a parent and a student.

(Note: The candidate should neatly outline the points of view in the answer sheet. Bullets and numbers may be used.)

(F) Details of Summary writing (Precis)

A passage is given and the candidates are expected to summaries or write a precis of the passage. The candidate’s ability to understand the content and express the same in a concise manner is tested.

The following steps may be followed to write a summary or a precis.

STEP-I: Read the given passage thoroughly while underlining nouns, pronouns, important (key) words, ideas etc.

STEP-II: Identify the purpose of the passage.

STEP-III: Keeping in view the purpose/theme and the key ideas, discard/set aside the irrelevant/less important ideas.

STEP-IV: Think of a suitable title and write it on a rough sheet.

STEP-V: Express the key ideas (only) in a concise manner IN YOUR OWN WORDS on the rough sheet.

STEP-VI: Read the rough draft making necessary changes.

STEP-VII: Write the fair/final draft in the answer sheet.

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